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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

HASSO + HANA(Vishal Sikka) = Speed

Vishal Sikka and Hasso Plattner presents and talk about SAP HANA. Customers demo HANA apps in the cloud and Hasso introduces new in-memory products.


Vishal Sikka: That it is not a database. People think that it is an in-memory cache. Only the design point is in-memory, but it is a full database. They think in-memory is something you turn the power off and the thing is gone. This is not the case.

The second one is a variation of that. People think that somehow they will always need another database. Hasso and I have said it many, many times that we will ultimately replace the database; we will do it non-disruptively, but we will replace it. But people think that somehow you have to put it as a side by side attachment.



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